In difficult economic times like these it seems that the first things that get cut back are those that don't appear to produce a profit. With experience as the head of safety of a large financial institution I found that good health and safety saved money which equals profit. As the responsible person for your small/medium or even large business enterprise you may not be aware that legally you should have in place a competent qualified person to offer health & safety advice.
EC Safety Solutions will provide you with the correct level of support that your company needs.
We have adopted a hands-on approach and we will work closely with your management team to produce the right level of occupational safety and environmental best practice that your company deserves. We understand that your company is unique to you and your team. You will have your own systems, culture and values - we understand that! That is why we will always find the solution to fit the way you do things.
This will be achieved through workplace inspections, compliance audits, training and much more. We are here to assist not hinder
There will obviously be times when we will push to get the correct actions put in place, but this will always be in a cost effective way and always in the best interest of you and your company. So, if you are looking for and need a hands-on safety partner, one who will help you win that tender, one who will help you to have a safer workplace/workforce, reduce your insurance premiums, or whatever your reasons for wanting to get health and safety right, use a company that cares about safety, about you, and about your business. Use EC Safety Solutions Ltd. We don’t do problems, We Deliver Solutions
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